Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Come in like a lion...go out like a lamb?

Ok, so most of you have heard the old saying If March comes in like a lion, it goes out like a lamb. Well the beginning of March was yucky! Very cold...it was a high of 21!! Here are some pics from Sunday afternoon (3/29).
So when exactly does the lamb part come in??! I mean, it is 46 today...but rainy, really rainy! Hopefully it will be enough rain to melt all the snow! Mr. M only shoveled a path for us to get to the car for church on Sunday and for the car to get out of the driveway.

Next week...which will be April...we have a possibility of more snow. I mean, seriously? Our church is planning an outdoor Easter egg hunt for the kids. I think I might go buy some fleece material this week and make some leggings for the girls. Cause even if it's not snowing...I think it might still be cold. And they are wearing dresses!

I wonder if we will even have Spring here...or will we just go right for Summer?

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